To improve and diversify intimate relationships, partners often turn to all kinds of toys and equipment. Some of them are created not only to bring innovation in sexual life, but also to improve the functions of the genitals and keep them in healthy condition. Vacuum pumps are one of these widely advertised, in great demand by men and, according to their estimates, a very effective device.
Using them allows you to maintain and restore the health of the penis, improve its erectile abilities and with regular use - achieve an increase in the size of manhood. And although vacuum pump manufacturers most often promise an almost immediate effect from their use, in practice only a slight and short-term increase in penis size is usually achieved.
Vacuum therapy has been developed abroad. Vacuum pumps are mainly used by doctors during recovery from erectile dysfunction and during penile recovery after surgery on the prostate gland or after radiation therapy.
At the same time, disputes over the benefits and harms of pumping are ongoing. And although this device can often cause harm only if used incorrectly, it will be beneficial for both partners to learn more about the advantages and disadvantages of vacuum pumps. This will allow them to decide - is it worth using this device in their sex life or is it better to reject it?
What is a vacuum pump and what is its mechanism of action?
Vacuum pumps can be of two types:
- electrical. Equipped with an electric pump, which, when the pump is turned on, independently and more evenly pumps air from it.
- Manual. They are a cylindrical tube 20 cm long and 7 cm in diameter. The pipeline is connected to a hand pump, with which air is pumped from the cylinder.
In more advanced pumps, there is a regulator for the intensity of vacuum formation in a cylindrical tube.
The essence of this device is simple: a member placed in a vacuum pump experiences uniform pressure drop. When the pressure increases, the blood circulation is activated, the blood circulation in the penis increases and increases and becomes much larger than in a normal erection.
According to expert observations, it was possible to achieve an increase in male dignity in volume by several centimeters and in length - by 4-5 centimeters. With a decrease in pressure, blood circulation returns to normal and the penis returns to its previous size.
Such heat for the male genital organ has its advantages and disadvantages, which we will examine further.
Why are vacuum pumps useful?
Vacuum pumps have their indisputable advantages.
First, the ability to use this device properly will enable those who are unable to achieve this naturally to achieve an erection. The effectiveness of the pump will increase if you combine it with special medicines to increase the erection, which your doctor will prescribe.
Second, it is much cheaper to buy a vacuum pump than to undergo treatment for erectile dysfunction in a clinic.
Third, pumping is virtually free of complications and subsequent side effects, which cannot be said for many medications to improve erection.
Fourth, after using vacuum pumps, it is possible to preserve anatomy by restoring a man's natural sexual functions. But the use of implants or an injection treatment course is fraught with anatomical changes or injuries to the penis.
Benefits of using a vacuum pump:
- blood flow helps to eliminate congestion in the pelvic organs as a result of a man's irregular sex life, from frequent stress or from sedentary work;
- treatment of erectile dysfunction caused by surgery on the prostate or colon, diabetes mellitus, impaired blood circulation in the penis or psychological problems (stress, anxiety, fear of failure in the genital area, depression);
- increased elasticity of blood vessels;
- power stabilization, its qualitative improvement.
Side effects, disadvantages and contraindications of pumping
Despite the fact that the use of a vacuum pump will allow a man to regain his sexual abilities and even improve them, such a device should be used with caution, in accordance with the recommendations set out in the instructions.
Side effects of vacuum therapy:
- short-term weakening of the erection and the strength of ejaculation (this can be avoided by using special tightening rings);
- the appearance of unnatural or painful sensations at the time of erection (most often from improper operation of the pump);
- weakening of the stiffness of the penis at its base;
- the appearance of bruises, red or purple spots on the skin (the cause of this are the most frequently injured capillaries and the accompanying subcutaneous microbleeding);
- the appearance of a feeling of numbness (due to too long exposure to low pressure in the penis);
- skin discoloration (darkening of it), excessive dryness of the skin on the penis (occurs for the same reason as numbness).
Most side effects are short-lived. Everything returns to normal immediately after the course of vacuum therapy. And to reduce the risk of their occurrence, it is important that the pressure is gradually increased and that vacuum pumps equipped with pressure gauges be used.
Vacuum pumps also have a number of disadvantages
First, before a pumping session, which leads to an erection, the penis should be as relaxed as possible - this is a prerequisite for the effectiveness of the procedure. Relaxation means before ejaculation.
Second, it is necessary to strictly follow the developed course of treatment, which provides for daily pumping sessions. Each should be at least 45 minutes long.
Third, the use of vacuum pumps most often requires the parallel administration of appropriate medications.
And finally, fourth, the use of the vacuum pump is not allowed for everyone and not always. This technique has a number of contraindications:
- tendency to form blood clots;
- vascular disease;
- congenital defects;
- urethritis;
- kidney or liver dysfunction;
- foreskin diseases;
- tendency to bleed (for the same reason, the use of vacuum pumps during treatment with blood thinners is prohibited);
- circulatory disorders (some forms of anemia, leukemia), manifested in a state of prolonged and painful erection;
- treatment with painkillers (aspirin, ibuprofen, etc. , a complete list of which is indicated in the instructions for the vacuum pump or given by a physician).
How to prepare for vacuum therapy?
Although you can buy vacuum pumps without a doctor's prescription, it is best to consult a urologist before starting pumping procedures. After studying your individual characteristics (previous illnesses, injuries or surgeries, especially in the genital area, your general well-being, taking medications or dietary supplements, genital examination), he or she will be able to determine suitability for useof vacuum pumps and give tips on how to use them with maximum efficiency and minimal negative consequences.
Stop the selection on pump models equipped with a safety valve - it will protect the penis from injury, preventing the pressure from dropping to critical levels.
How to Use a Vacuum Pump |
- Wash the appliance with warm soapy water. Boiling water in the pump is prohibited.
- Lubricate the nozzle at the base of the plastic cylinder with a lubricant (but not grease-based).
- Carefully insert the penis into the cavity of the balloon and press firmly into the body.
- Holding the balloon with one hand, with the other we begin to exhale the air using a pump.
- When pumping air, make sure the balloon is tight - the hole in it should be locked (or the valve closed).
- After that, an erection should occur and the penis will redden slightly.
- After 30 seconds, open the valve and inflate the balloon.
- At the moment of weakening the erection, we repeat the procedure.
In total, this usually takes about 20 minutes.
You need to gradually increase the duration of the vacuum exposure - 30 seconds, one minute, two, etc. At the same time, you need to increase your rest time.
If the erection disappears too quickly, use an erection ring that restricts blood flow from the penis.
The vacuum pump is a purely personal item, it is not recommended to let other people use it.
You need to store the vacuum pump in a box - this will protect it not only from sunlight but also from possible mechanical damage. Place the box in a dry place.
In general, a vacuum pump is an effective and safe tool to solve intimate problems, to avoid surgical interventions and medication treatment. More than half of the men (60-80%) who turned to pumping noticed a positive trend in treating erectile dysfunction caused by various causes. Their experience can serve as a good example, but remember that this type of treatment is preferably performed under the supervision of the attending physician!